Lewiston Recreation Department
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Adult Slow-pitch Softball League Register View Cart

Metal bucket filled with white and neon yellow softballs.
Register for "Weekend Warriors", Lewiston Recreation's Adult Slow-pitch Softball Draft League! This league offers softball with a few twists, which keeps the games moving along and keeps them exciting!

Dates: Sundays, May 11 - August 17
Location: Morin Memorial Softball Fields
Cost: Residents $35/ Non Residents $40
Includes: Team t-shirt, 14 games plus playoffs
Ages: 18+
League will be capped at 85 players

Draft Date: April 18

League Rules
- 9 players in field, 3 Outfield, 4 Infielders, one pitcher, and a Catcher
- No Walks
- Games are self umpired unless noted otherwise
- 5 Fouls= Strikeout
- 9 inning games or a 2 Hour time cap
- Underhand Pitching only
- After the 5th Inning if a team is winning by 15 Runs then the game is over
- If a team scores 10 runs in an inning then the inning is over unless the bottom of the 9th
- No Base Stealing
- No Metal Cleats
- Each Player is allowed 2 Home Runs per game, meaning if they hit an out of park home
run then it is an out after 2 have been achieved.
- Only Approved bats will be allowed for usage
- No smoking or drinking on complex
- First Team listed on schedule is the home team
- Playoffs will be a one-game series with all teams qualifying for end of season
- There are no umpires for this league

League Organizer: Kam Bisson, kbisson241@gmail.com

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Adult Slow-Pitch Softball League 
18y and up N/A Su  05/11/2025 - 08/17/2025
04:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Ron Morin Memorial Fields
$38.00 Res, $43.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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