Lewiston Recreation Department
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Ultimate Frisbee
Join our spring Ultimate Frisbee Program! 

Ultimate Frisbee has the fast-paced movement of soccer, paired with the aerial excitement of football! Players will learn throwing, catching, basic strategy, and of course, Spirit of the Game

No experience necessary!
Players should wear sneakers or cleats, and comfortable clothing. Don't forget a water bottle! All players receive a FREE disc to keep!

When: Mondays, April 28-June 2 (Skip 5/26, add 5/27)
Where: Drouin Complex, 91 Jefferson Street
Time: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Who: Grades 5-12
Cost: FREE!

We will try to set up a scrimmage against another middle school team- stay tuned for more information!

Interested in being a coach? Contact Nicole Welch, Recreation Director, at nwelch@lewistonmaine.gov

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Ultimate Frisbee Grade 5-12 
N/A 5 - 12 04/28/2025 - 06/02/2025
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Drouin Complex
$0.00 Res, $0.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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