Lewiston Recreation Department
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LEGO Robotics Register View Cart

Join us this Summer for 6 weeks of LEGO Robotics where participants will can expand their knowledge of Lego Robotics coding & builds using Lego Spike Prime.

There will be 2 Advance Sessions. Please do not register for both as they will be the same lessons and to allow more participants to have an opportunity.

JR Engineers Advance Session 1: This program is designed for kids who have knowledge of robotics & coding and are looking to expand their knowledge through more challenging lessons. Participants will be put into teams of 3 max per kit to learn together and work as a team.
  • When: June 11th - July 16th from 5PM-6:30PM, every Wednesday
  • Where: Lewiston Armory, AIM Room 207 (2nd Floor)
  • Who: Age 8-12
  • Cost: $55 Res; $60 Non-Res

JR Engineers Advance Session 2: This program is designed for kids who have knowledge of robotics & coding and are looking to expand their knowledge through more challenging lessons. Participants will be put into teams of 3 max per kit to learn together and work as a team.
  • When: July 23rd - August 27th from 5PM-6:30PM, every Wednesday
  • Where: Lewiston Armory, AIM Room 207 (2nd Floor)
  • Who: Age 8-12
  • Cost: $55 Res; $60 Non-Res

For those families who have multiple kids, there will be regular legos & board games available to play with during the time in the connected room.

Questions: Contact Tim Duchette at TDuchette@lewistonmaine.gov 

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Jr. Engineers: Advance Session 1 
8y - 12y N/A 06/11/2025 - 07/16/2025
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Lewiston Memorial Armory- Meeting and Activity Spaces - Room 203: AIM Room
$55.00 Res, $60.00 Non-Res
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Jr. Engineers: Advance Session 2 
8y - 12y N/A 07/23/2025 - 08/27/2025
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM

Lewiston Memorial Armory- Meeting and Activity Spaces - Room 203: AIM Room
$55.00 Res, $60.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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